Top Real Estate Agents Columbia SC

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Tips For Buying and Selling Timeshares in Columbia

A timeshare is simply a vacation-property arrangement that allows you to share the cost of the property with other people, and in return, you get some guaranteed time at that vacation property. And as of the end of 2017, the timeshare industry was %9.6 billion industry. So it’s a huge industry, but still a mystery … Continued

Should You Buy a Condo or Single-Family Home in Columbia?

Should you buy a condo or single-family home in Columbia? The answer to that question depends, of course, on what you want – your preferences and your needs. Both condos and single-family homes have their pros and cons. Either way you go, it’s a big purchase that you’ll be paying on for a long time, to you … Continued

DIY Tips for Homeowners in Columbia

There are few things as satisfying as thoroughly completing necessary repairs or renovations on your home in order to turn your dreams into reality. To help you realize the potential of your home and then fulfill your upgrade goals, let’s get you started in the right direction by going over some DIY tips for homeowners … Continued

Step By Step Guide For Selling a House in Columbia

You’re looking to make a change, but you’re not sure exactly how to go about selling a house in Columbia. Whether the market is hot, cold, or somewhere in between, there are some things you can do to set yourself up for success and a faster sale. Here’s a step by step guide for selling … Continued

Tips For Buying and Selling Commercial Real Estate in Columbia

There absolutely no doubt about it: investing in commercial real estate has made a lot of people a lot of money. But many others haven’t done nearly so well buying and selling commercial real estate, some even losing a substantial amount of money. For it’s a completely different ball game from buying and selling residential … Continued

How To Choose a Good Buyer’s Agent in Columbia

A buyer’s agent is, of course, a real estate agent who works solely for the buyer rather than the seller, ideally looking out for the best interests of the buyer.Buyer’s agents work on a commission contracted in the listing agreement, usually splitting it with the listing agent. And therein lies the problem. It often happens … Continued

5 Ways Buying A House Will Be Different In Columbia This Summer

As a result of the coronavirus and COVID-19, along with stay-at-home orders and economic difficulties, life for most Americans has irreversibly shifted. And many say this new paradigm will persist and become the new normal. Real estate, while still chugging along to some degree, has also been affected – not only by health concerns engendered … Continued

4 Tips on Moving to a New Columbia Neighborhood

When shopping for your next home, the added layer of adventure that comes with establishing yourself in a new neighborhood can be exciting for some but challenging for others. Let’s get your new beginnings started on the right foot with our 4 tips for moving to a new Columbia neighborhood: Do Some Prep Work Finding … Continued

Step By Step Guide For Reviewing Offers For Your Columbia House

You’ve cleaned and painted and staged and mowed, you’ve listed your house, and now some offers are coming in. Congratulations! But what now? How do you evaluate those offers to choose the best one, the one that right for you? Actually, there’s a lot more to it than just accepting the highest bid. So take … Continued
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