Hosting a great open house is key to making the most of the time you have people inside your home. For the best chance at success, make these 5 things part of your Columbia open house to stand out from the crowd.
Just as your agent looked at similar properties in your area when deciding how to price your property, you need to attend other open houses so you see what you’re up against.
Take notes on what seems to work well in the other homes, such as the design and format of informational handouts, extra features the agent included in the showing, and how the agent followed up with attendees. You also can look around these houses and find things that make your house stand out from the rest of the market, giving you differentiating factors to point out.
Talk these things over with your agent so you can determine how best to set up your Columbia open house to replicate the successes and avoid their failures.
Open houses are a numbers game – The more people you can get in the door, the better your chances of making a sale out of them. To give your Columbia open house the best chance of success, market it as widely and creatively as you can.
Utilize all the online listing platforms, as well as social media, to get the word out. Create catchy graphics and, if you’re hosting a raffle at your open house, be sure to advertise that.
Don’t forget to advertise within your local area, including on bulletin boards, with signs, and by putting fliers or door hangers on neighbors’ doors. Chances are you’ll get some people who are just interested in looking and not buying, but you never know if those people know someone who is looking for a home and can pass along your information.
Your Columbia open house is all about how your home looks, smells and feels to the people who attend it. You want to make sure they’re left with a positive impression. Make sure the lawn is freshly mown, bushes have been trimmed, and all landscaping looks good. Open all the blinds and curtains, and turn on the lights and lamps. The more light you have in a room, even one without windows, the more open and airy the room feels to a buyer.
You also want to ensure that the home smells pleasant without being overwhelming. Do not use air fresheners or candles, as many people are sensitive to scents. Instead, try boiling a pot of water with some oranges, fresh cranberries, and cinnamon sticks on the stove to disseminate a light, natural pleasant scent.
Because you want potential buyers to have all the information on your home to take with them, make sure you have ample copies of all the paperwork you plan to give out.
If you’re using colored brochures, disclosure sheets, or other information, layout a fair amount of paperwork without adding too much so things look cluttered. Stash backups somewhere hidden but easily accessible for when you need it.
Put the paperwork somewhere centrally located and visible, such as on the kitchen table, the living room coffee table, or the kitchen counter. It’s best to station someone near enough to the papers – but not hovering over them – so they can answer questions guests may have and quickly hand out any appropriate brochures.
You’ll be collecting contact information from visitors at your Columbia open house, so don’t waste all that valuable data. Plan to send out an email that thanks them for attending within 24 hours of the open house. For this, you can have a basic form email to make things easy, but be sure to personalize them with anything specific you spoke with a guest about during the open house.
You may not get too many replies, but following up quickly while the open house is fresh in their minds gives you the best chance of getting an interested party to respond.
If you want to make your Columbia open house a success, contact us today at 803-792-SELL!